
Attention: People Who Want To Own Their Dream Car In 90 Days Or Less

Discover The Ultimate Blueprint To Own Your First Luxury Or Exotic Car For Free Or Profit In The Next 90 Days

Without Ever Worrying About Losing Money On Depreciation, Repairs, Taxes, Or Insurance

What is Exotic Car Hacks?

Exotic Car Hacks is the ultimate step-by-step training program that teaches normal people how to own their dream car in 90 days or less WITHOUT every worrying about losing money on depreciation, repairs, maintenance, insurance, or taxes.

We’ve been brainwashed to believe that luxury and exotic cars are reserved for the rich.

That ends today.

With over 20,000 members worldwide, this 100% beginner friendly program guides you through the entire “car hacking” process from start to finish, and provides all the tools, resources, and support so you can be in your dream car in the next 90 days.

Don't be like most people wait until you're 65 and retired to own your dream car. 

Whether your goal is to own a slick exotic for the weekends or to upgrade your daily driver with a beautiful luxury car...

Exotic Car Hacks can help you achieve all your wildest car dreams.

Limited Time Offer

  • 6+ Hours Of Step-By-Step Video Training Content
  • Free Instant Access To All 5 Exclusive Bonuses
  • Lifetime Access To The Platform And Resources
  • 100% Satisfaction 14-Day Refund Policy


$1,997 Regular Price

Exotic Car Hacks IS The Shortcut You've Been Looking For

I’ve been a car nut my whole life.

Ever since I was a kid I dreamed about owning a Lambo.

But I was told the only way to own  one was by being filthy rich, paying for it in cash, and waiting until I’m “older” to make it happen.

I was told exotics were a waste of money.

And anyone who spent so much money on a car was irresponsible and flushing their cash down the drain.

What a bunch of BS...

Luckily, I didn't listen to the masses.

Because if I did, I wouldn't have a garage that looks like this today:

Car hacking changed the game for me.

I went from wondering how the hell I would own a single Lambo before I turned 65 to owning 300+ luxury and exotic cars all without losing money on depreciation, insurance, maintenance, or taxes.

The best part?

I didn't have to risk my own money and buy all these cars with cash. 

And I'm not just some fluke either.

Since its launch in 2016, Exotic Car Hacks has helped 20,000+ students all over the world SHORTCUT their 10+ year dream of owning their dream car in 90 days or less.

We have thousands of successful case studies from members owning their first luxury or exotic car without even increasing their income.

Exotic Car Hacks is a simple, repeatable system that works even when the car market is down and even during the worst of recessions.

Everything is broken down step-by-step and designed specifically for beginners who know nothing about the exotic car market.

Here's how it works...

Included With Your Order

Lifetime Access To Exotic Car Hacks 

6+ Hours Of Step-By-Step Training That Walks You Through The Entire Car Hacking Process From A To Z (Updated For 2023).

Plus Get 5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Bonus #1: 6 Months “Hand-Picked” Deals Newsletter

Get the hottest car deals on the market delivered straight to your inbox each week. Includes target buy/sell prices so you don't have to source cars yourself.

Bonus #2: Private Members-Only Facebook Group

Lifetime access included. Ask questions, get second opinions on cars and target price, get advice, and network with 20,000+ members including myself.

Bonus #3: Case Studies of All My Personal Hacks

Look "behind the scenes" of my personal car hacks (constantly updated). Reveals true cost of ownership (down to the penny) of each hack including mods, repairs, maintenance, and taxes.

Bonus #4: Ultimate List of Best Cars To Hack

Get our complete list of "hack approved" cars from $25k-$250k+. Each car comes with a comprehensive buyers guide that covers common problems, which years are best, and target pricing shortcuts.

Bonus #5: My Private Resource Rolodex

Get access to the exact resources I personally use and recommend. Includes the best lenders (even if you have poor credit), "exotic friendly" insurance providers, recommended mechanics, shipping carries, blacklisted dealers, and more!

Real People. Real Success Stories.

Join Exotic Car Hacks Today For 75% Off

Get instant access to the entire Exotic Car Hacks training program plus 5 exclusive bonuses (included for free) for only $497 today (75% off regular price, $1,997).

But hurry, this amazing deal ends soon...

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Don't Just Settle For A Honda Accord When You Could Be Less Than 90 Days Away From Your First Luxury Or Exotic Car

The Best part? You don't have to be "rich" or earn more money...you just have to follow the proven System Shown below

Dear Future Luxury/Exotic Car Owner
From: The Desk Of Pejman Ghadimi
Re: Owning Your Dream Car In The Next 90 Days Or Less

Trust me I know how crazy it sounds.

Especially when I'm here making bold claims like:

"Never worry about losing money on depreciation, insurance, maintenance, or taxes."

"You don't have to be a millionaire to own a Lambo."

"You can own your first luxury or exotic car for as little as $300/month, recoup ALL your costs when you sell, AND potentially make a profit."

If I was in your shoes, I'd be hesitant too.

Luckily, I got my first taste of car hacking over 10 years ago.

In fact, I hacked my very first car (a Lamborghini Gallardo 6 Speed Manual) smack in the in middle of the 2008 recession (pic below, cheesy models included).

I bought this Lambo for $73k and eventually went on to sell it for $93k.

That’s $20,000 pure profit from owning a Lambo during one of the worst recessions in history.

Crazy, huh?

But you want to know what's even more insane? 

This EXACT same Lambo is worth between $134k-150k today in 2023.

(See pic below)

This is why car hacking is so powerful.

When you hack the RIGHT type of cars, their value holds for YEARS on end.

Plus you can sleep easy at night and never have to worry about its value dropping every 6 months like a Honda Accord.

And with Exotic Car Hacks, I created a simple and repeatable system that virtually anyone can use find these hackable cars and upgrade their ride in 90 days or less.

No I'm not saying you can own a Lambo if you only make $50k per year.

My system works but it's not magic. 

What I am saying is if you make AT LEAST $50k per year and have at least a 650 credit score, you can own a far nicer car than you ever thought possible.

And the best part? 

You don't have to worry about losing money on stuff like depreciation, repairs, maintenance, insurance, and taxes...

Car hacking is a revolutionary new way to own the type of cars you've been dreaming about since you were a kid.

And now with Exotic Car Hacks, you're just 90 days away from turning your dream into a reality.

With Exotic Car Hacks, We've helped thousands of regular people own their first exotic

From Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Aston Martin, and everything in between...

Exotic Car Hacks has helped countless people own their first exotic in as little as 90 days or less.

Just check out these amazing success stories.

And these are the same type of people who thought they would have to wait another 10+ years to own an exotic.

It just goes to show how much we've been brainwashed into believing all the BS surrounding exotic car ownership.

Stuff like...

  • "Exotic cars are depreciating money pits that will financially ruin your life." Ya sure...only if you have no idea what the hell you're doing, don't buy the right type of exotics, and try to lease it or pay for it in cash like all the mainstream finance gurus recommend.
  • "Maintenance, insurance, repairs, and taxes alone will cost you an arm and a leg." Tell me you've never owned exotic without telling you've never an exotic lol. This may be true for some older exotics, but the true cost of exotic car ownership is nowhere near as high as most people think. Especially when you understand all the tips, tricks, and secrets I share inside Exotic Car Hacks.
  • "You shouldn't buy an exotic unless you can pay for it in cash." This always makes me laugh. Even if I had the cash to pay for a $100k car, I would never do it. It makes no sense to tie up that much of your own cash when you can leverage money that banks and credit unions will happily lend out. 

And I know what you're thinking...

"All the examples above are for super expensive cars. I knew car hacking was a scam. I can't afford a $100k+ car."

I'm so glad you brought that up.

Yes, Exotic Car Hacks works incredibly well with high-end exotics.

But it also works just as well with lower end exotic and luxury cars.

Low budget? No problem...car hacking helps you upgrade your ride no matter what your budget is

And the best part is whether you're hacking a $50k or a $500k car, the car hacking process is exactly the same.

The only difference is the price of the car itself. 

Here are just a handful examples of lower budget hacks done by our members:

And here's what I love most about hacking lower end luxury/exotic cars.

When all is said and done, the TOTAL cost of ownership for hacking one of these cars is still cheaper than buying or leasing a normal car (e.g. Honda Accord or Toyota Camry).

Due to the mass-produced nature of these normal cars, you'll never be able to recoup the money you spent when you sell.

On the other hand...

When you hack the right cars (even the cheaper ones like above), you'll be able to recoup the majority (if not all) of your costs back when you sell.

Pretty cool, huh?

And if all this sounds overwhelming or you don't feel like you have the confidence to pull it off...

Don't worry.

I cover everything STEP-BY-STEP inside Exotic Car Hacks and made it so simple a 5th grader could understand. 

In fact, here's exactly what I'll be covering inside Exotic Car Hacks when you join today:

Car Hacking 101: 6+ Hours Of Step-By-Step Training To Help You Own Your Dream Car In 90 Days Or Less Without Losing Money

No stone is left unturned in my 6+ hours of step-by-step video training that will turn you from car hacking newbie to pro. Access this training 24/7/365 in our easy to use online members portal.

You'll learn:

  • Newbie friendly "Hold you by the hand" training videos to help you upgrade your ride in 90 days or less.
  • Why traditional car buying advice will only leave you broke, depressed, and driving boring cars for the rest of your life.
  • how to upgrade your ride to something 10x nicer And never lose money as long as you're making $50k/year and have a 650 min credit score
  • How to hack your dream car even if you're working with a tiny budget.
  • Free lifetime updates to the program
  • And so much more!

Protect Yourself At All Times: How To make yourself Bulletproof And Never Lose Money On A Car

You've been lied to!

For years, the mainstream media has told you luxury and exotic cars are nothing but irresponsible purchases that are a huge waste of money.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Inside Exotic Car Hacks, I'll show you why hacking the right car is not only safe but a financially SMART way to protect and park your money. 

You'll learn:

  • My secret "Bottom cash value" formula To determine exactly what price you should buy a car at so you never lose money.
  • the truth about how exotic cars depreciate (and why many luxury and exotic cars iNCREASE in value as time goes on).
  • Wealth Transfer 101: discover how i "recycle" my money and own the nicest cars and luxury goods in the world without putting any additional money back in. 
  • How to combat inflation, recessions, and make car hacking work in any economy in 2024 and beyond.
  • And so much more!

The Money Game: Exposing the truth behind banks, financing, and getting loans

A big reason car hacking works is because we're able to leverage other people's money. There's absolutely no reason for you to risk your own cash when you don't have to.

Inside Exotic Car Hacks, I'll expose the truth behind banks and what to really takes to easily get approved for big loans (even if you have no loan history) that'll make car hacking a breeze. 

You'll learn:

  • How to leverage banks and credit unions so you don’t need to use your own money to pay for the car.
  • Our recommended list of "exotic friendly" lenders.
  • The truth behind what banks really look for when it comes to Approving you for a loan (and the 4 big factors they look at above everything else).
  • how to move up the "exotic car finance ladder" and get approved for huge loans even if you're starting from scratch and have no loan history.
  • Why you should never lease your car no matter how good those "low" monthly payments look.
  • How to quickly fix and optimize your credit score even if it's tanked.
  • And so much more!

Buying And Selling: How to source, buy, and sell your dream car (the easy way)

Car hacking is an art and a science. You can't just buy any car you think looks cool and try to sell it back for more money 6-12 months later. 

That's not how it works.

The reason my students are able to get in and out of luxury and exotic cars without losing money is because the follow a very specific process when it comes to sourcing, buying, and selling.

And inside Exotic Car Hacks I'll show you how to not only source "hack worthy" cars...but I'll show you how to buy them without risking any money and sell them back for break even or profit.

  • My step-by-step research process for Sourcing the best cars to hack, for any budget, even during the worst car markets.
  • How to easily identify desperate car sellers and make them beg you to take their car off their hands.
  • My P + CVP = GS formula that makes selling your car for break-even or profit a breeze.
  • my simple method for avoiding 99% of shady dealers, buyers, and scams when buying a car.
  • How To Sell Your Car Fast And Get Top Dollar... Including Best Places To List Your Car, Tricks To Weed Out Tire Kickers, And Examples Of Perfect Listings.
  • How To Buy Vehicles Out-Of-State, Sight Unseen, And Get Them Shipped Directly To You Your Garage Using Our Trusted Auto Transport Providers.
  • And so much more!

Car costs no more: Everything you need to know about not losing money on insurance, maintenance, repairs, and taxes

When it comes to exotic cars, everyone thinks that insurance, maintenance, repairs, and taxes cost an arm and a leg.

But after owning 300+ luxury and exotic cars, I'm here to tell you that everyone is wrong.

Yes, there are costs involve to owning an exotic (just like any other car).

But they are nowhere near as expensive as people claim them to be.

And I'll show you why.

Inside you'll learn: 

  • How To Insure Your Exotic Car For As Little As $100 Per Month With Comprehensive Coverage By Using One Of Our Preferred Insurance Providers.
  • My top-secret tax saving strategies to (legally) save thousands of dollars per year.
  • a pre-vetted list of the best exotic-friendly mechanics, insurance providers, and repair shops (plus a blacklist of the ones to avoid).
  • How To Get The Best Deals On Service, Parts, Or Repairs (up to 80% Off What Dealers Charge).
  • And so much more!

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We provide a 14 day action-based money back guarantee. To qualify for a refund, we verify you completed the course, and you must provide proof that you gave your best effort.

"Buyer's Remorse" does not qualify for a refund. But as long as you go through the course material and give everything a fair shot, we'll gladly refund every penny back. Just email info@exoticcarhacks.com and we'll make things right. 

What would your life look like if you could drive the nicest cars in the world and NEVER worry about how much it costs?

Because that's what Exotic Car Hacks gives you the power to do.

Any car (especially luxury and exotic cars) have always been seen as a liability.

But for the first time ever, Exotic Car Hacks turns the entire car ownership model on its head.

With Exotic Car Hacks you no longer have to worry about losing money on your car.

No more losing your shirt on depreciation.

No more worrying about paying thousands of dollars on insurance, maintenance, repairs, and taxes.

And no more stressing out about whether or not you made a good financial decision with on your car.

Exotic Car Hacks puts you in the driver's seat of your finances (no pun intended).

What was once a liability, is now an asset. 

Plus you're able to shortcut your 10+ year dream of owning a luxury or exotic car in 90 days or less.

This is all possible when join Exotic CarHacks  today.

And for just $1,997, you can get full-access to the complete Exotic Car Hacks program and all 5 special bonuses.

And for a limited time only, you join for a massive 75% off discount.

That means instead of paying $1,997, you get access to everything for just $497.

Plus let's face it, no matter what happens, you're always going to need a car.

So why not turn your car into an asset that pays for itself and even has the potential to make you a profit?

At just $497 (one time cost, ZERO recurring fees), it's a no-brainer to help you own your dream car. 

Here's What's Included...

  • Discover the exact step-by-step system to go from nothing to your first luxury or exotic car without losing money in 90 days or less.

(Revealed In Module 1)...

  • REVEALED: The truth about how luxury and exotic cars depreciate (and how to use depreciation to your advantage to never lose money on your car again).

(Revealed In Module 6)...

  • Why car hacking works even when the car market is down and even during recessions (in fact, it works even better during recessions).

(All Explained In Module 10)...

  • Sneaky, yet 100% legal tax loopholes no one talks about that will save you literally tens of thousands of dollars on your next car.

(Revealed In Module 23)...

  • Insurance Exposed: Discover how to my students and myself insure six figure exotic cars for less than the price it costs to insure a Honda Accord.

(Revealed In Module 22)...

  • Why leasing, buying new, or even buying used is the worst way to own any luxury or exotic car (and how car hacking solves all these problems)...

(Revealed In Module 1)...

  • Learn how to not only break-even but PROFIT big when you sell your car. My students regularly make thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) of dollars off a single hack. 

(All Explained In Module 5)...

  • My bullet-proof "Bottom Cash Value" formula to determine target buy/sell prices and future car values so you never lose money.

(Step-By-Step Instructions In Module 9)...

  • How to sell your car fast or get out of a lease if you are upside down (with zero or minimal losses)

(As shown inside Module 12)...

  • How to easily find cars sitting on the market from motivated dealers and sellers.

(Revealed In Module 4)...

  • How to quickly optimize your credit and debt so banks want to lend you money.

(Revealed In Module 15)...

  • Get “over the shoulder” research demonstrations and watch me as I hunt for the best car deals online and show you my exact steps and thought process when hacking a car.

(Included for free inside bonus videos)...

  • Cheatsheets of all the best luxury and exotic cars to hack for any budget and all price ranges ($30k to $300k).

(Free instant access when you join today)...

  • Lifetime access to our private members-only Facebook Group where you can network with other members, ask questions, and get support from seasoned car hackers 24/7.

(Free instant access when you join today)...

  • My own personal “rolodex” of exotic car resources. Don’t waste thousands of dollars figuring out this stuff yourself. Get a constantly updated list of the best insurance providers, banks and credit unions, independent mechanics, and more.

(Free instant access when you join today)...

  • And So Much More! Seriously, This is the most comprehensive luxury/exotic car ownership program in the world. 

(20,000+ members can't be wrong)...

Join Exotic Car Hacks Today For 75% Off


$997 Regular Price

Get instant access to the entire Exotic Car Hacks training program plus 5 exclusive bonuses (included for free) for only $497 today (75% off regular price, $1,997).

But hurry, this amazing deal ends soon...

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Real-Life Case Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

(Click To Expand)

What are the requirements to get started?

We recommend you earn a minimum of $50k/year and have a credit score of at least 650.

I live in ______, does Exotic Car Hacks work in my country?

Our strategies work best in USA and Canada. However, members outside of these countries have successfully bought and sold cars using parts of our strategy.

Do I need a dealers license to do this?

No, our strategies are catered towards car enthusiasts who switch cars every 6-12 months. You do NOT need a dealers license.

How old do I have to be to make do this? 

You to be at least 18 years old to be able to make your own decisions as an adult.

What if I have bad credit?

Consumers with bad credit may have a harder time utilizing our strategies. However, we do work with more lenient lenders that may approve you for financing. We have helped our students with zero prior loan history get approved for exotic car financing. And we have trusted partners who can help quickly boost your score too. 

Will insurance be an issue if I have a bad record?

There's a 99% chance that your insurance company will be able to insure any car you buy UNLESS you have a significantly bad driving history. Your driving records matter. Lots of accidents and tickets won't help your cause.

Does Exotic Car Hacks work on normal cars too?

Our strategies work on the RIGHT normal cars, but obviously work better on exotics because of margins. If you're going to use the strategies to buy a Toyota Camry then you might be disappointed in the results, but you will definitely learn how to save. If you use the strategies to buy something that's more in demand like a Honda S2000, then yes some of the strategies can apply.

Are there any extra fees or hidden charges?

There are NO additional charges required to get access to the Exotic Car Hacks platform. All future updates to the platform are entirely free. You will never be required to pay a penny more. However, we do offer supplementary training and resources that are completely OPTIONAL and only there to help you become a better car hacker.

What kind of support do you provide?

You have direct access to me and 20,000 other experienced car hackers in our private community. Many of our members have first-hand experience with the cars you're interested in to provide real world advice.

Does car hacking work with "brand new " cars?

We usually try to focus on cars that are at least a few years old that have already depreciated but there are always exceptions and we go over exactly what cars you should and shouldn't go after inside the program.

What about taxes?

Exotic Car Hacks does not advise or condone NOT paying your taxes. Taxes are part of life and if hacked right, your taxes should be covered by the equity in your car. There are 100% legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes which is covered inside the training. 

Is car hacking about renting your car out on Turo?

No, this is NOTHING to do with Turo or car renting.

Isn't insurance expensive?

Obviously your driving record matters, however, we provide you a list of trusted exotic-friendly insurance providers that offer full coverage on exotics for as little as $100 per month.

Isn't maintenance expensive?

No because part of the car hacking strategy is to avoid cars with issues. We teach you how to buy cars that free and clear of problems or need maintenance so that your ownership experience is stress-free. Here's examples of how exotic car ownership can be easy and stress free...

Join Exotic Car Hacks Today For 75% Off


$1,997 Regular Price

Get instant access to the entire Exotic Car Hacks training program plus 5 exclusive bonuses (included for free) for only $497 today (75% off regular price, $1,997).

But hurry, this amazing deal ends soon...

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Own Your Dream Car The EASY Way

Meet Our Successful Students

Join Today And Get...

Lifetime Access To Exotic Car Hacks 

6+ Hours Of Step-By-Step Training That Walks You Through The Entire Car Hacking Process From A To Z (Updated For 2023).

Plus 5 FREE Fast-Action Bonuses

Bonus #1: 6 Months “Hand-Picked” Deals Newsletter

Get the hottest car deals on the market delivered straight to your inbox each week. Includes target buy/sell prices so you don't have to source cars yourself.

Bonus #2: Private Members-Only Facebook Group

Lifetime access included. Ask questions, get second opinions on cars and target price, get advice, and network with 20,000+ members including myself.

Bonus #3: Case Studies of All My Personal Hacks

Look "behind the scenes" of my personal car hacks (constantly updated). Reveals true cost of ownership (down to the penny) of each hack including mods, repairs, maintenance, and taxes.

Bonus #4: Ultimate List of Best Cars To Hack

Get our complete list of "hack approved" cars from $25k-$250k+. Each car comes with a comprehensive buyers guide that covers common problems, which years are best, and target pricing shortcuts.

Bonus #5: My Private Resource Rolodex

Get access to the exact resources I personally use and recommend. Includes the best lenders (even if you have poor credit), "exotic friendly" insurance providers, recommended mechanics, shipping carries, blacklisted dealers, and more!


$1,97 Regular Price

Get instant access to the entire Exotic Car Hacks training program plus 5 exclusive bonuses (included for free) for only $497 today (75% off regular price, $1,997).

But hurry, this amazing deal ends soon...

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

For a limited time only, join Exotic Car Hacks for 75% Off

To Recap, Here's Everything You Get...

Included With Your Order

The Complete Exotic Car Hacks System

6+ Hours Of Step-By-Step Training That Walks You Through The Entire Car Hacking Process From A To Z (Updated For 2023).

Included With Your Order

Bonus #1: 6 Months “Hand-Picked” Deals Newsletter

Get the hottest car deals on the market delivered straight to your inbox each week. Includes target buy/sell prices so you don't have to source cars yourself.

Included With Your Order

Bonus #2: Private Members-Only Facebook Group

Lifetime access included. Ask questions, get second opinions on cars and target price, get advice, and network with 20,000+ members including myself.

Included With Your Order

Bonus #3: Case Studies of All My Personal Hacks

Look "behind the scenes" of my personal car hacks (constantly updated). Reveals true cost of ownership (down to the penny) of each hack including mods, repairs, maintenance, and taxes.

Included With Your Order

Bonus #4: Ultimate List of Best Cars To Hack

Get our complete list of "hack approved" cars from $25k-$250k+. Each car comes with a comprehensive buyers guide that covers common problems, which years are best, and target pricing shortcuts.

Included With Your Order

Bonus #5: My Private Resource Rolodex

Get access to the exact resources I personally use and recommend. Includes the best lenders (even if you have poor credit), "exotic friendly" insurance providers, recommended mechanics, shipping carries, blacklisted dealers, and more!

Frequently Asked Questions (Click To expand)

What are the requirements to get started?

We recommend you earn a minimum of $50k/year and have a credit score of at least 650.

I live in ______, does Exotic Car Hacks work in my country?

Our strategies work best in USA and Canada. However, members outside of these countries have successfully bought and sold cars using parts of our strategy.

Do I need a dealers license to do this?

No, our strategies are catered towards car enthusiasts who switch cars every 6-12 months. You do NOT need a dealers license.

How old do I have to be to make do this? 

You to be at least 18 years old to be able to make your own decisions as an adult.

What if I have bad credit?

Consumers with bad credit may have a harder time utilizing our strategies. However, we do work with more lenient lenders that may approve you for financing. We have helped our students with zero prior loan history get approved for exotic car financing. And we have trusted partners who can help quickly boost your score too. 

Will insurance be an issue if I have a bad record?

There's a 99% chance that your insurance company will be able to insure any car you buy UNLESS you have a significantly bad driving history. Your driving records matter. Lots of accidents and tickets won't help your cause.

Does Exotic Car Hacks work on normal cars too?

Our strategies work on the RIGHT normal cars, but obviously work better on exotics because of margins. If you're going to use the strategies to buy a Toyota Camry then you might be disappointed in the results, but you will definitely learn how to save. If you use the strategies to buy something that's more in demand like a Honda S2000, then yes some of the strategies can apply.

Are there any extra fees or hidden charges?

There are NO additional charges required to get access to the Exotic Car Hacks platform. All future updates to the platform are entirely free. You will never be required to pay a penny more. However, we do offer supplementary training and resources that are completely OPTIONAL and only there to help you become a better car hacker.

What kind of support do you provide?

You have direct access to me and 20,000 other experienced car hackers in our private community. Many of our members have first-hand experience with the cars you're interested in to provide real world advice.

Does car hacking work with "brand new " cars?

We usually try to focus on cars that are at least a few years old that have already depreciated but there are always exceptions and we go over exactly what cars you should and shouldn't go after inside the program.

What about taxes?

Exotic Car Hacks does not advise or condone NOT paying your taxes. Taxes are part of life and if hacked right, your taxes should be covered by the equity in your car. There are 100% legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes which is covered inside the training. 

Is car hacking about renting your car out on Turo?

No, this is NOTHING to do with Turo or car renting.

Isn't insurance expensive?

Obviously your driving record matters, however, we provide you a list of trusted exotic-friendly insurance providers that offer full coverage on exotics for as little as $100 per month.

Isn't maintenance expensive?

No because part of the car hacking strategy is to avoid cars with issues. We teach you how to buy cars that free and clear of problems or need maintenance so that your ownership experience is stress-free. Here's examples of how exotic car ownership can be easy and stress free...

Still Now Convinced? Check out these verified success stories from our members

Last Updated: July 27, 2024

And remember...Car Hacking is so much more than just "saving money On cars" 

While Exotic Car Hacks has helped thousands of people break-even or profit on their cars, it's so much more than that.

The connections, friendships, relationships, and confidence car hacking gives you is worth so much more than making an extra $10-20k from selling your car.

There's more to life than making a quick buck.

As one Exotic Car Hacks member put it:

"It's not about making a profit. (Exotic car) ownership played right will give you connections and opportunities, seizing them is your profit not the cars."

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

One business connection or relationship formed from owning an exotic is worth 1000x more than making a little profit when you sell your car.

Even if I broke even or lost money on the 300+ exotics I've owned, I'd still be "profitable" because of all the connections and business deals I've made from them.

So if you just look at car hacking at an opportunity to make a couple extra bucks, you're shooting yourself in the foot.

You attract what you put out.

Always think big picture and always think one step ahead.

The type of people who own exotics are people who are successful and have money.

So if you want to build a world-class network and get into these elite circles, owning a nice car is one of the fastest ways to do it.

You're One Step Away From Owning Your Dream Car And Changing Your Life forever

And it all starts by taking a leap of faith and joining Exotic Car Hacks today.

Sure you could try your hand at car hacking by yourself.

But why would you?

I can't tell you how many people try to hack a car themselves only to get scammed by the seller, hack the wrong car, overpay on maintenance/repairs, and sell back their car at a huge loss. 

It's not worth it.

The car market will eat you alive if you don't know what you've never hacked a car before and don't know what you're doing.

So now, the ball's in your court.

You've seen the results.

You've seen my system work not only for high-end exotics but also lower end exotic and luxury cars.

And you've seen countless case studies of regular people using Exotic Car Hacks to upgrade their ride in 90 days or less without losing money.

I know Exotic Car Hacks has been pitched as a program to help you own your dream car.

But honestly...

It's so much more than that. 

It's a complete paradigm shift in the way you approach money, cars, and finances. 

And when you hack your first car in the next 90 days, I promise you your life will NEVER be the same again.

But hurry, the special 75% off deal ends soon and I'd hate for you to miss.

So when you're ready, hit the button below to join now.

See you inside,

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